@JackSparrow I went through your workflow. Are you able to call below query through postman search API successfully? I doubt in this query because I was unable to get results. Please double check it is working?
"query": "attributes.cloudLifecycleState:terminate AND !roleCount:0"
Thanks @iamnithesh . Below is the output I got in email from HTTP request step which if before loop step. I’m giving $hTTPRequest.body as loop input and I tried to send an email inside loop to see the individual IDs by giving $loop.loopInput.id in body. But I’m not able to see the IDs over email
Revocable means that ISC gave the access to the user. so AP and Roles would be in that category. Entitlement with the flag Standalone:true means it existis in the account and was not isc who assigned.