Workflow to revoke only Requestable roles and access profiles

@JackSparrow I went through your workflow. Are you able to call below query through postman search API successfully? I doubt in this query because I was unable to get results. Please double check it is working?

"query": "attributes.cloudLifecycleState:terminate AND !roleCount:0"

Thanks @iamnithesh . Below is the output I got in email from HTTP request step which if before loop step. I’m giving $hTTPRequest.body as loop input and I tried to send an email inside loop to see the individual IDs by giving $ in body. But I’m not able to see the IDs over email

[map[_type:identity _version:v2 id:506195b565d242c2b654db83c85bc4b5 type:identity] map[_type:identity _version:v2 id:5d553eccae9a48e4aa4f756df5feaf45 type:identity]] 

Hi @sagar_kamalakar , I’m able to fetch the IDs. Here is the output which i got by sending the data over email

[map[_type:identity _version:v2 id:506195b565d242c2b654db83c85bc4b5 type:identity] map[_type:identity _version:v2 id:5d553eccae9a48e4aa4f756df5feaf45 type:identity]] 

@eveyone. Thanks for your time on helping me to troubleshoot this issue. I have opened a new topic to be more specific and clearer.

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Revocable means that ISC gave the access to the user. so AP and Roles would be in that category. Entitlement with the flag Standalone:true means it existis in the account and was not isc who assigned.

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