Workflow to find the exact match?

Hi All,
I have an scenario where i need to compare the entitlement with matches the letter Test_FM_Prov with the actual entitlements to the user using workflow. I have tried with Starts with, contains but it’s not working. If i choose the Match operator does it work.

Mark Brook

In the String Comparator, you can check if the “Test_FM_Prov” substring is present in the entitlement name or not using “Contains”. That should work. Check your configuration again. Use entitlement you want to comapre in your first variable to compare, use contains ,and in the second, choose the value “Test_FM_Prov” to compare.

Did you try with Match operator in the compare strings filters? It’s working fine for me.


Yes it works i have found out anyway thanks for the input @Santhakumar @kdfreeman ..