Workflow - Send Email

Hi Experts,

I’m receiving the following error when configuring the send email step in workflow. Is there any limit constrain on email body?



Hi Chandra,
I have faced a similar error in workflow.We have limit for the body in workflow but don’t know the actual limit,So try to optimise the code in body.

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Hi @naveenkarthikkrk
Yes, Sailpoint doesn’t send the email when the body is to big. We faced the same issue here, were told that the max amount of characters is 450.000.


Hi @chandramohans27,

Based on my post here

Email template condition and subejct max length - Identity Security Cloud (ISC) / ISC Discussion and Questions - SailPoint Developer Community

I was facinating with same error , but in my case it’s came from subject length that was limited into 250 characters.

Check your subject also.


Thanks much @baoussounda

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Is there any limitations on the workflow size as well?

Hi @chandramohans27 , I don’t think so but may be @colin_mckibben can respond that.

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According to this section in the workflows documentation: Creating and Managing Workflows - SailPoint Identity Services

The maximum allowed size for a workflow definition is 400KB. The maximum allowed size for a workflow definition plus its input is 1.5MB.

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