Workflow execution failed

We do see the below error for the failed workflow. But the search query that we use returns only 12 identities when the workflow failed. I believe the limit for the input loop is 100. The workflow is to remove the roles for termed users.

No errors were found other than this in the output. Do I need to take a look on something else? Can someone please suggest/help?

{“error”:“BadScheduleActivityAttributes: ScheduleActivityTaskCommandAttributes.Input exceeds size limit.”}

Hi @JackSparrow

Can you try adding a query result filter to limit the output size and see if it works for you. I know there is a limit for the allowed size in a WF and in a loop


    "indices": [
    "query": {
        "fields": [
        "query": "attributes.uid:123"
    "queryResultFilter": {
        "includes": [

Thanks Jesvin! We are using query to pull the identities in workflow. I’ll can do it via API search query using HTTP operation. Will update you on this.