Workflow date compare issue

Hi Colin,

i am working with Josquin ^^

Sorry for our late answer, we have needed to do some tests.

Our need : We want to do some actions when identities have their stardDate is equals or lower than today-1
For example the table of action if the today date is 2023/07/03 :
Identity startDate => Do actions on Identity
2023-07-01 => Do actions
2023-07-02 => Do actions
2023-07-03 => Do actions
2023-07-04 => Do actions
2023-07-05 => NO actions
2023-07-06 => NO actions

We have found the operator “Compare Timestamp” that can help us but we have some issues with this.

First issue :
When i select “More Than or Exactly X Days Ago” i get the value “TimestampLessThanEqualsXDay
When I select “Fewer Than or Exactly X Days Ago” I get the value “TimestampGreaterThanEqualsXDay
Already shown in this post :

Second Issue :
When I use “TimestampGreaterThanEqualsXDay”, the equals is not OK
Example with today date = 2023-07-03
Identity startDate => TimestampGreaterThanEqualsXDay with integer 0
2023-07-01 => KO
2023-07-02 => KO
2023-07-03 => KO (should be OK)
2023-07-04 => OK
2023-07-05 => OK

When I use “TimestampLessThanEqualsXDay”, the equals is OK
Example with today date = 2023-07-03
Identity => TimestampLessThanEqualsXDay with integer 0
2023-07-01 => OK
2023-07-02 => OK
2023-07-03 => OK
2023-07-04 => KO
2023-07-05 => KO

Third Issue :
When I use “TimestampLessThanEqualsXDay” with integer 1, it should answer my need but the results are weird :
Example with today date = 2023-07-03
Identity => TimestampLessThanEqualsXDay with integer 1
2023-07-01 => OK
2023-07-02 => OK
2023-07-03 => KO (should be OK)
2023-07-04 => KO (should be OK)
2023-07-05 => KO

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