Workday SaaS connector filter

Hi All,

We need to filter workday saas accounts who has FIRST_NAME as “Test” I tried to use PATCH source but still its aggregating all the sources accounts to SailPoint.

Can anyone guide us a better approach to achieve this ask?

    "op": "add",
    "path": "/connectorAttributes/account.filterString",
    "value": "account.containsIgnoreCase(\"Test\")"


Hey Vasanth!

Here is the documentation on using filterString.

Your body should look something like this. Note the “path” value difference.

    "op": "add",
    "path": "/connectorAttributes/filterString",
    "value": "( type != \"Employee\" )"

Can you please try this and see if it resolves your issue?

Thank you,

  • Zach

Hi @Zach,

Tried the same no luck, Any other suggestions?

For “value”, can you confirm you are using the correct attribute name?

In your initial post, “account.containsIgnoreCase("Test")” is being added to filterString. This is assuming ‘account’ is the attribute on the Workday record you are looking to filter out if that attribute contains “Test”.

Here is the example in the documentation on how to format this value.

Like, Anywhere (Ignoring Case) – {property}.containsIgnoreCase( {value} )email.containsIgnoreCase( "sail" )

Thank you,

  • Zach

Hi @Zach,

Thanks for response I tried multiple filters its aggregating all accounts,
Attached JSON body which used for email filtering.

“op”: “add”,
“path”: “/connectorAttributes/filterString”,
“value”: “EMAIL_ADDRESS_WORK.containsIgnoreCase("[email protected]")”

Hey @vasanthrajsp29,

Can you try this for your value?

"EMAIL_ADDRESS_WORK.containsIgnoreCase(\"[email protected]\")"

Thank you,

  • Zach
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Hi @zachm117,

No luck, Still aggregating all accounts from Workday.

Hi @Zach,

Got solution from SailPoint professional services this workday saas connector doesn’t have filter setting to filter the accounts while aggregation.

Hi @vasanthrajsp29 @zachm117 There’s something called as “Account Filters” configuration in the aggregation settings. Can we filter out based on that? If yes, any example?

Hi @Shivaraj_Chattannavar,

I’ve tried that account Filter unfortunately; it’s not working even when we’re able to patch it from Postman.


HI @vasanthrajsp29,

Were you able to filter users using any other possible way?


Hi Nikhlesh,

We tried all filter possibilities no luck, Tried SailPoint vendor case they replied saying we can’t filter users.


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