Why does SailPoint throw an error message when in the property tag of a ReportColumConfig there is a name with a trailing low bar?

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.3

Share all details related to your problem, including any error messages you may have received.

Good afternoon, everyone. I have a question regarding an error that SailPoint gives me when I put a name with a low bar inside the ReportColumConfig in the property tag. This name refers to the attribute of the database table where I want to get the data from.
In the first example the report is correct only access to the data: id, created and status.

The second example I add a new column to the report and it is when it gives error with the following data: id, application_name, created and status.

can you please check in logs what is the error message?

Of course

Try application.name or applicationName

Thank you very much it worked applicationName, I hadn’t thought to try it.

Good it helped :slight_smile: if you want details this is because of this

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