What is the logger for connector 'Oracle Internet Directory - Direct'

Hi @varanjo ,

For any connector, if you want to find out in the future as well, please follow this way. You can get them easily.

First, confirm which connector you want to look for. In this case, you want to add for Oracle Internet Directory - Direct connector. So, go to the debug page and search for the Configuration in which ConnectorRegistory. And search for the connector.

You will find out the connector class that you can use in the log4j2.properties file. And add a level of debugging for the class as well. If you want to get all logger statements, add trace.

#Added by Bhanu Prakash Kuruva for logging Oracle Internet Directory - Direct Template connector logs.
logger.OracleInternetDirectory.name = sailpoint.connector.LDAPConnector
logger.OracleInternetDirectory.level = trace

You can give it whatever name you want on the left hand side and use it for setting up the logging level as well. After you add it to the log4j2.properties file, reload the logging.