What is the correct way of debugging connector rules

Hi @pkgupta1 ,

The first thing you need to ensure is to patch the rule to the HTTP operation that you wrote it for. (Ex : Aggregation, Create Account). You can do the patch using the below API call.

PATCH - {{api-url}}/beta/sources/{external-id of the source}



    "op": "replace",

    "path": "/connectorAttributes/connectionParameters/{operation_index_value}/beforeRule",

    "value": "{rule_name}"



To print logs from your rule, you must enable the connector based logging by modifying the “/home/log/log4j2.properties” file in your VA and append the connector based logging statements.
You can find the statements in the document below :

For whichever source you’re rule is patched to, append that connector’s logging statements from the document to the log4j2.properties file. The steps are as below:

  • Stop ccg service in your VA

  • Append the connector logging statements in your log4j2.properties file and save it

  • start the VA again (Note : Do not restart your VA since the latest modifications to log4j will be lost)

I think this should help your requirement. Let me know if this helps.
