Webservice Connector : Getting java.lang.InterruptedException Timeout waiting for response error

Hi Team,

For the Create Account webservice operation I am getting below error.

I have already tried adding the various timeout connector parameters - provisioningTimeout, timeout, timeoutInSeconds & healthCheckTimeout for the webservice source.

It’s working fine with postman. I am passing same body structure from the IDN operation (replacing the plan attributes only using $plan eg. $plan.EmailAddress$)

Can guesses what could be the issue here.

Can you check CCG logs for more info by enabling DEBUG level logging?

Made few changes now getting below error from CCG logs:

“message”:“Updating account null result with error message ["Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: d. Path ‘EmailAddress’, line 3, position 20.","Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: o. Path ‘EmailAddress’, line 3, position 20."]”

Create Body :

Seems its unable to parse email address. JSON payload looks fine. Few things to check

  1. Make sure the EmailAddress value is properly formatted as a string. It should be enclosed in double quotes.
  2. Check for any special characters or invalid characters in the EmailAddress value that may be causing the parsing error.
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Hello @bhuvi_kpmg ,

Did you tried to pass the static data in the body?

Did you tried the same JSON body from postman?


What is your nativeIdentity for this application? if you are using email as nativeIdentity then in the json body add like is
“Email Address”: “$plan.nativeIdentity$”


@bhuvi_kpmg it seems formatting issue of email or Json issue.If you have native Identity email than plan.nativeIdentity. ALso try to print the json body in before operation rule that way you will get more input and change accordingly.

My nativeIdentity was GUID (which is a unique value generated by Application on account creation). I changed the nativeIdentity from GUID to EmailAddress in the schema and tried again. It worked. So account of target is created but still SailPoint giving an error :

Account of target is however created :

Check if you are missing any more attributes. And also test it in postman to know either it getting same error from postman also.

@bhuvi_kpmg if your account created fine in target system and email still throwing error then please share information of configuration.
If you are trying to create account with ent or first account will be created then ent will be created.
So it will give more picture. Now it seeems you have issue in your rule if you have any or configuration

Thanks @mkumariaas @Sivakrishna1993.

Yes, I have checked on the Create Account With “Ent” Request. BuilderRoleGUID is my entitlement value in the request. From postman I am not getting any error, I am passing exactly same no. of attributes from postman as from SailPoint.

See, GUID is actually unique id of any account on target, so ideally should have been used as the nativeIdentity. Since, it is generated at the time of creation we are not supposed to pass it in the create JSON body. But as suggested by Siva I changed the nativeIdentity to EmailAddress. It worked, but not sure why the SailPoint is throwing this error. Seems error is not thrown by target application rather SailPoint only.
[“Exception occurred while performing \u0027Create\u0027 operation on identity \[email protected]\u0027: Error: ["The value \[email protected]\u0027 is not valid."]”]

I am not using any operation rule. Also, upon running full aggregation, the created account (from SailPoint) is properly getting correlated also to the Identity.

@bhuvi_kpmg You are not suppose to change the native Identity with email, because may be API does not understand the email in header as valid as it is expecting GUID.
Try to follow

  1. As your GUID is Application side attribute so please set as native Identity in create Response just read the GUID or all other attribute like u do in single account aggregation
  2. Check the APplication JSON attribute which is set as something like createAccwithend this need to be set As true
  3. Now create account and see functionlity is working.

It must work right now i guess in another call it is failing as email is not something api does understand as unique

If this is global kind of application then send me name or json

If your native identity is email then only I said to use email. If you have unique id for user you should use unique id as native identity and email or any full name attribute will be display name

I rolled back to GUID as the nativeIdentity. It worked this time.
I had used same configuration previously when I got this error -

“message”:“Updating account null result with error message [“Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: d. Path ‘EmailAddress’, line 3, position 20.”,“Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: o. Path ‘EmailAddress’, line 3, position 20.”]”

Maybe some issue with that test id. Anyways, seems issue is resolved now. I will test for few more Ids.
Thanks much @mkumariaas @Sivakrishna1993 both of you.

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Hi Bhutanese, Good to hear