We tried with no Request Body and $response.queryToken$ or $queryToken$ as Request Body but continue getting error " Query token does not have the proper format" with HTTP Error Code: 400.
Can you please sample response from first request?? When this error occurs “Query token does not have the proper format” ?? When queryToken is not present in request or it’s format is not proper??
"@type": "QueryResult",
"queryToken": "QueryToken1",
"result": [
user 1
user 2
user n
queryToken is present but not in correct format. It’s expecting to have queryToken in TEXT format in Request Body but it seems that it’s being passed in JSON format.
I tried changing header “Content-Type” value from “application/json” to “text/plain” but continue facing same issues.
queryToken1 (Must be in PLAIN TEXT Format | must not be in Key-Value Pair format) received from step 1 is body of next POST call (POST BaseUrl\ContextUrl2), that returns next 100 users and queryToken2 in this format:
queryToken2 received through step 2 will be used to get next 100 users + queryToken3 through POST BaseUrl/ContextUrl2. And this continues until we stop receiving queryToken in response.