Web Service SaaS connector Returning 0 Accounts

Hello Guys,

I am using Web Service SaaS connector for a simple API.

I am getting 0 Accounts, where as I can see response in Postman but in text format not in JSON. I guess this is the problem, If it would have been Web Service connector then I would have used WS After Operation Rule, since it is SaaS connector, we don’t have that option.

Anyone experienced this issue ?

Tried with below headers
Accept: application/json
Accept-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Still no luck.



Can you give an example of the response that is not in JSON format?

I would recommend the custom SaaS connector approach as it will give the most flexibilty. Or you could make a customizer on the base Web Service SaaS connector to convert that text into the expected JSON format.

Response is in JSON format, so connector can convert the rawResponseObject to responseObject and into a list of maps. Something issue with the OOTB connector.

I don’t say that WebService SaaS connector won’t work, it worked for some applications already. Reached out to SailPoint support, let’s see what they come up with.


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