Hi All, Could you please review my use case and suggest solution. I have one web service configured in IDN. I am able to do test connection, account and entitlement aggregation. I am creating account using Create Account http operation where I am using rest api call. Account is getting created successfully at target level as well reflecting in Sailpoint user profile.
As a next step, I have to use update user permission rest api from target application rest api, but this api takes one id value which is there in json response during create account api. I am not getting how to fetch that id value from the response and use it for my next http operation.
For example, lets say we are in create account http operation, here I am using one rest api URL - https://targetapplication.com/external/api/rest/v2/users/ it takes input as firstname, lastname, email and user emp id. once account creation happens, it creates one response along with 200 OK status code and that response is something like:
“message”:“Parsing values for JSON paths [givenName, sn, WORKFORCEID, email, email] from JSON: {"floorWarden":false,"lastName":"User11","color":"#F3A69D","employeeId":"9000050","userName":"[email protected]","passwordResetAttemptsRemaining":3,"specialNeeds":false,"dateUpdated":1712917252058,"firstName":"Test11","dateCreated":1712917252044,"name":"Test11 User11","id":65026,"userType":{"dateCreated":14309255*****737,"name":"Employee","id":1,"dateUpdated":1636133257153},"email":"[email protected]"}”
here from the response, I have to refer the id value i.e. 65026 and use it in my next http operation add entitlement where rest api url is https://targetapplication.com/external/api/rest/v2/users/**65026**/permissions
could you please suggest me solution for this.