Web Service Connector skip endpoint based on a condition

Hi all,

Is it possible to skip an endpoint in the Webservices connector when there are multiple endpoints (not skip 1st) ?

Use-case: We are pulling 30k employees/identities from an HR source and need to gather data from multiple (6) endpoints and this is becoming slow. 1 endpoint provides attributes for the office location (street, postal-code, city, etc). Since per office there are 1000’s of identities (employees) working in the same office, we would like to get the office attributes once, store the attributes in transient-values and skip the endpoint when we already have the office location. By skipping the endpoint we assume to speed up the aggregation (1 call per office, instead of full 30k calls)

– Remold

Hello Remold,

I’m not completely sure I understand the use case correctly, but i do remember one time we needed to skip an end point call and we used before operation rule to empty out the base url, context url (ie, the full url and the body, if any) and passed that as the requestendpoint object, not 100% sure if this is the best way to approach this but might be worth a try.

Do let me know if this works or if you have used some other way to handle this skipping scenario.


If I’m reading this correctly, you could instead treat office as a managed group object then pull that with group aggregation - then you don’t have to skip any endpoints. During account aggregation, you can use a WSBefore rule to (1) pull whatever ManagedAttribute data you need, (2) store that in a Custom object, then (3) use the Custom object in your customization rule to update the ResourceObjects. Then delete/recreate the Custom object on first call of account aggregation (skip during pagination) so it’s always up-to-date with whatever group aggregation pulled

Hi Gage,

To use a group aggregation is also what I had in mind and should work for this particular use case.

It would be nice it an endpoint can be skipped based on the data received from previous calls.

I created an idea for skipping endpoints and hopefully SailPoint picks it up: https://ideas.sailpoint.com/ideas/IIQ-I-1086

– Remold


Hi Remold,
Did you think about using pagination steps to achieve your requirement? There is usualy
TERMINATE_IF $RECORDS_COUNT$ < $sysparm_limit$
If you would build different condition and terminate that way the step once condition is met.

Hi @kjakubiak,

This is not the solution to skip a child endpoint :frowning: and it is only run after the webservice call.

What I am looking for is a way to skip a call of a child-endpoint based on a certain condition.


– Remold

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