Web Service Connector called from Workflow

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.3

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Hi all!

Hope everything’s well.
Came across this requirement and was wondering, is there a way to call a web service connector from a workflow and run operations such as test connection, create users, and basically all the operations defined within the connector?

Thank you all in advance!

Test connection you can do programmatically with

Connector connector = ConnectorFactory.getConnector(application, null);

For provisioning operations from within a workflow, you would want to create and submit a provisioning plan.

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In IIQ? Sure , just Create the connector/Application Object and call the operations accordingly.

Hi Nicolas,
Of course it is

import sailpoint.connector.Connector;
import sailpoint.connector.ConnectorFactory;
Connector conn = ConnectorFactory.getConnector(_context.getObject(Application.class, accountRequest.getApplicationName()), null);

in this case it is provisioning plan directly via connector but there are also different methods like

  • getObject - to aggregate object
  • doHealthCheck - to make test connection

Most of the details you can find in javadoc for Connector class

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Test configuration actualy tests configuration - to check connection you have to use doHealthCheck()

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testConfiguration will actually also test the connection and throw a sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException if it fails.

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In IIQ? Sure , just Create the connector/Application Object and call the operations accordingly.

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