Web Service API Connection HTTP Error Code 0

Hi. Im trying to connect web service URL for one of the applications. Im encounter with below error when do test connection. Can someone guide me on this?

message: java.net.UnknownHostException: This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server, HTTP Error Code:0

This could be a typo in your hostname, or an issue with the DNS lookup. Is the application you are connecting to an internal application? You could try using the IP address directly, or adding the DNS entry directly to the application server.

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Hi, I am trying to establish Test connection our newly web service based application but getting below error:

Exception occurred in Test Connection.Url: https://idam-api-digitalhub-stg.azurewebsites.net/idam/V1.0/users?pageSize=500, Message: , HTTP Error Code: 500