Hello, I am trying to connect one webservice application into ISC. The connection is working fine but Account aggregation is not pulling any data.
Here is the configuration I have done
Using ssoUserId as account correlation.
Here is the postman response.
“message”: “OK”,
“firstPageUri”: “https://api./rest/contacts/3050?pageNumber=1”,
“nextPageUri”: “https://api./rest/contacts/3050?pageNumber=2”,
“lastPageUri”: “https://api./rest/contacts/30o?pageNumber=378”,
“page”: {
“pageSize”: 100,
“start”: 0,
“data”: [
“lastModifiedTime”: 1703761222407,
“organizationId”: 305943405396,
“createdDate”: 1549566179811,
“groups”: [
“createdName”: "Daren “,
“lastName”: “Aada”,
“status”: “A”,
“country”: “US”,
“recordTypeId”: 30869218,
“contactAttributes”: [
“values”: [
“orgAttrId”: 30869218446,
“name”: “Company”
“values”: [
" Orthopedic”
“orgAttrId”: 3086921844,
“name”: “Work Location”
“values”: [
“orgAttrId”: 308692184465,
“name”: “Job Title”
“values”: [
“orgAttrId”: 308692184465493,
“name”: “Manager”
“values”: [
“orgAttrId”: 308692184465,
“name”: “Employee Number”
“values”: [
“302 17002 O24”
“orgAttrId”: 308692184465495,
“name”: “Accounting Unit”
“values”: [
“orgAttrId”: 308692184465497,
“name”: “Account Created”
“values”: [
“orgAttrId”: 303057187373322,
“name”: “AD Username”
“values”: [
“orgAttrId”: 312677914116196,
“name”: “Leader”
“values”: [
"Therapy "
“orgAttrId”: 308692184465491,
“name”: “Department”
“lastModifiedName”: “SFTP”,
“accountId”: 0,
“externalId”: “ba200525-e819-4e37-81bf-2b49”,
“id”: 2915295366,
“paths”: [
“waitTime”: 0,
“status”: “A”,
“pathId”: 241901148045,
“countryCode”: “US”,
“value”: “[email protected]”,
“skipValidation”: false,
“pathEnable”: true
“firstName”: “Kirk”,
“uploadProcessing”: false,
“resourceBundleId”: 0,
“address”: [
“streetAddress”: "Northland ",
“postalCode”: “55”,
“state”: “AB”,
“locationName”: “Work 1”,
“gisLocation”: {
“lon”: -93.32769,
“lat”: 44.85774
“country”: “US”,
“city”: “city”,
“locationId”: 0,
“locationSourceId”: 0,
“locationTypeId”: 0
“middleInitial”: “J”,
“createdId”: 810560401,
“lastModifiedId”: 1,
“lastModifiedDate”: 17037612,
“ssoUserId”: “aadcvd”,
“vip”: false
Can anybody help me what I have done wrong here?