Web Service Accounts Aggregation - Not pulling any data

Hello, I am trying to connect one webservice application into ISC. The connection is working fine but Account aggregation is not pulling any data.
Here is the configuration I have done

Using ssoUserId as account correlation.

Here is the postman response.

“message”: “OK”,
“firstPageUri”: “https://api./rest/contacts/3050?pageNumber=1”,
“nextPageUri”: “https://api./rest/contacts/3050?pageNumber=2”,
“lastPageUri”: “https://api./rest/contacts/30o?pageNumber=378”,
“page”: {
“pageSize”: 100,
“start”: 0,
“data”: [
“lastModifiedTime”: 1703761222407,
“organizationId”: 305943405396,
“createdDate”: 1549566179811,
“groups”: [
“createdName”: "Daren “,
“lastName”: “Aada”,
“status”: “A”,
“country”: “US”,
“recordTypeId”: 30869218,
“contactAttributes”: [
“values”: [
“orgAttrId”: 30869218446,
“name”: “Company”
“values”: [
" Orthopedic”
“orgAttrId”: 3086921844,
“name”: “Work Location”
“values”: [
“orgAttrId”: 308692184465,
“name”: “Job Title”
“values”: [
“orgAttrId”: 308692184465493,
“name”: “Manager”
“values”: [
“orgAttrId”: 308692184465,
“name”: “Employee Number”
“values”: [
“302 17002 O24”
“orgAttrId”: 308692184465495,
“name”: “Accounting Unit”
“values”: [
“orgAttrId”: 308692184465497,
“name”: “Account Created”
“values”: [
“orgAttrId”: 303057187373322,
“name”: “AD Username”
“values”: [
“orgAttrId”: 312677914116196,
“name”: “Leader”
“values”: [
"Therapy "
“orgAttrId”: 308692184465491,
“name”: “Department”
“lastModifiedName”: “SFTP”,
“accountId”: 0,
“externalId”: “ba200525-e819-4e37-81bf-2b49”,
“id”: 2915295366,
“paths”: [
“waitTime”: 0,
“status”: “A”,
“pathId”: 241901148045,
“countryCode”: “US”,
“value”: “[email protected]”,
“skipValidation”: false,
“pathEnable”: true
“firstName”: “Kirk”,
“uploadProcessing”: false,
“resourceBundleId”: 0,
“address”: [
“streetAddress”: "Northland ",
“postalCode”: “55”,
“state”: “AB”,
“locationName”: “Work 1”,
“gisLocation”: {
“lon”: -93.32769,
“lat”: 44.85774
“country”: “US”,
“city”: “city”,
“locationId”: 0,
“locationSourceId”: 0,
“locationTypeId”: 0
“middleInitial”: “J”,
“createdId”: 810560401,
“lastModifiedId”: 1,
“lastModifiedDate”: 17037612,
“ssoUserId”: “aadcvd”,
“vip”: false

Can anybody help me what I have done wrong here?

Are you seeing any errors for account aggregation? Can you also check if response mapping schema attributes aligns with account schema? Also make sure attribute path defined is correct (validate using JSON PATH finder)

@j1241 root path need to be like below:-
$.page.data[*] or $.page.data
dont put the same in Response mapping

@mkumariaas so what should I put in repones mapping then.
for my configuration root path = $.page
And here is the response mapping

Thank you @mkumariaas I see the account.
I changed root path as you suggested and made the changes in response mapping.