We Need a Mascot, Help us Pick One!

I hope you’ll forgive the necropost for some fun fan art I’ve been working on! :grin:Here’s my suggestion (interpretation) of what our mascots could be!

Codey - the clever otter we already know and love. Wields the power of the prism. (It’s just the sailpoint logo. :sweat_smile:)
Marty - the octopus moderator! Not just for the developer community, but represents sailpoint mods and admins everywhere! Has fingers in ALL THE PIES!
Devon - the sneaky shark constantly trying to steal the prism and do other nefarious things, much to the vexation of Marty and Codey. It’s just it’s nature, it can’t help it! :joy:

Enjoy! Sorry again for the necropost! No idea where else to post this. :sweat_smile: