VA stop and start

I have 2 VA’s one of them is in unhealthy state and giving be error while aggregating SQL app…how I can stop services to this till we rectify issue and continue to work for other VA to avoid and impact in prod

I would just turn off the VA and then the cluster will stop using it

I heard someone saying from SailPoint we can turn off cca services to make this inactive rather turning off VA…but not sure about those command and how to do that

It’s recommended to just turn the malfunctioning VA off and create a new VA from scratch and add it to the cluster. It will probably be quicker to add a new VA than to fix the current one.

I have to admit I get this response from SailPoint support all the time and it bugs me. This is making all sorts of assumptions about a customer’s infrastructure environment which are not necessarily true. It’s an incredibly dismissive attitude for SailPoint to have, and I wish they would change their attitude on this.

You can stop the ccg services using:
sudo systemctl stop ccg

However I believe there might be a watchdog process because sometimes the service starts back up after we stop it. On top of that, we have found that aggregation or provisioning errors tend to occur when VAs are switched off but still in the cluster, I think IdentityNow is trying to send requests to the disabled VAs (despite SailPoint claiming it should be HA).

So if you want to temporarily remove a VA from a cluster to fix it, the best approach is just to delete it from the cluster in IdentityNow cluster management. You can even add it into a temporary cluster or into your sandbox to troubleshoot and resolve before adding it back into the correct cluster.

Thank you Ramiro, this is what I have also observed and it really becomes very challenging to convince the customer about such a behavior :slight_smile:

thanks a lot…this was exactly i was looking for

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