URL Encode JSONPath Variables in HTTP Request

Hello All,

I was working on a workflow to get a TemporaryAccessPassword from AAD then get a secure link to email to new starters.
However it seems that when you use JSON Path to get values it doesn’t encode them properly. I came across Support for Inline Variable for HTTP Request URL Field that says its not supported currently.

Is that still the case, is a fix coming soon potentially? Does anyone have a work around we that would use to bypass this.

When I use special characters as a basic string, they will be encoded in the query parameters properly.

TAPPWPush20230228.txt (3.7 KB)

We are reaching out to other resources too currently.


Hi Brendon,

I see the inline variable that you are trying to use:

"url": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users/{{$.getAccounts.accounts[?(@.sourceName == \"Azure AD - Members\")].attributes.userPrincipalName}}/authentication/temporaryAccessPassMethods"

Inline variables that use a filter operation are not yet supported, but it is on the roadmap to implement this functionality.

Hey Colin

Nah its the next one with PWPush, but I have spoken to support/our CSM and the current feedback is full support for inline variables is Q2 this year. With potentially some partial functionality before that.

I’ll just close this off for now.


Hi @colin_mckibben
Is this functionality available now? any update?