Updating manager information

We have a situation where a manager identity was deleted(reasons still being investigated) during an auth aggregation and later on a new identity cube was created. This caused all the user-manager correlation to break. The subsequent aggs (even tried non-optimized agg)didn’t update the new identity as the manager for the users. Found this is due to the fact that the old manager identity wasn’t deleted completely in IDN as the old manager identity is referred as owner in previous recertification campaigns.

So looking for a way to udpate the users to the new manager identity.

Any ideas would be really appreciated, thanks in advance!

:bangbang: Please be sure you’ve read the docs and API specs before asking for help. Also, please be sure you’ve searched the forum for your answer before you create a new topic.

Could you please let us know what is your Authorative source and how have you define your manager correlation ?

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