We are pleased to announce that the SailPoint UI is getting an Infrastructure overhaul to support the deprecation of non-public APIs. In most cases, customers should see no impact to the performance of their SailPoint application. However, the team has identified one edge case that may affect a handful of customers. Customers that have ZScaler (or another similar network edge service installed) may see issues with some pages not rendering CSS. The issue, alongside the recommended fix are detailed below.
Identified Issue
With the new infrastructure updates, the UI is being rendered from a different location. Before, the domain these CSS files were loaded from was d228lhlqtajrbe.cloudfront.netassets.sailpoint.com. Now, they are being loaded from the assets.sailpoint.com domain.
Given this change, some CSS files are being blocked via ZScaler – the result is some pages will only show HTML, and no CSS (behavior specifically seen on the Admin Dashboard, Sources, Global Configuration, Apps). We do not have the ability to identify customers who may be affected by this ahead of rollout.
At this time, this change is only rolled out to Sandbox tenants. To check if your organization is affected by this issue, please log into your Sandbox tenants and navigate to one of the pages mentioned above. If everything looks normal, you should have no issues. If the styling of the page is off, please navigate to the fix listed below.
If the issue is present in your Staging environments, please reach out to your network admin to whitelist assets.sailpoint.com via ZScaler (or similar network edge service). ZScaler-specific documentation can be found here, as well as general SailPoint guidance here. We will also provide a guide to self-diagnose this issue further via a post in the Developer Community if you are experiencing this issue but do not have ZScaler on your network. Otherwise, please reach out to your SailPoint support representative for additional assistance. Additional guidance will be provided in-app via a Pendo notification on the homepage.
Rollout Timeline
As mentioned above, the UI Infrastructure is going through an upgrade to support CC deprecation. These infrastructure changes are already rolled out to Sandbox environments. Production environments will be upgraded slowly starting May 13th. All production environments should be fully upgraded by mid-June.