The goal is to change the DN of the LDAP account when the disable operation is triggered, similar to the post describing AD account moves:
Best Practices: Active Directory Account Moves - Compass (sailpoint.com)
However, in order to change the DN in LDAP, the attributes newrdn, deleteoldrdn and newsuperior need to be specified. Reference: LDIF(5) (openldap.org)
Can this be achieved with an attribute request, similar to the “AC_NewParent” attribute?
In this case, using an attribute request for all 3 attributes above?
accountRequest.add(new AttributeRequest("newsuperior", ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Set, "ou=disabled,dc=example,dc=com"));
accountRequest.add(new AttributeRequest("deleteoldrdn", ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Set, 0));
I would also appreciate to know any prerequisites needed for the execution of this task and any important considerations.
Thanks in advance.