Update Attribute after Disabling an Account via Update API call

Hi Team,

Does anyone of you experienced on how to update an account attribute after the User account has been disabled.
Asking this as I am working on an application where in an attribute should be updated after the account has been disabled.
I tried putting the attribute into the Body of Disable Operation but it didn’t work as the attribute is not supported for the Disable Operation Call. The attribute is only supported in Update Operation Call.
Also I can’t use the update call yet if the user’s account hasn’t disabled yet.
I’m not sure what route or way can I use to be able to update the value.

Is there anyone who can help me pls.

Thank you.

Hi @CeeJ1

May I know the source you are using? If it is a web service source, you can use a Web Services After Operation rule to modify the account attributes after an API call.

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@CeeJ1 This is completely depend on connector , for ootb may be there is limitation but for Webservice anything you can handle in before webservice operation rule, there you will get plan , and request end point and body so u can make the change according to your requirements.

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Hi Team,
Thanks for helping out.

We were able to resolve this by Adding another HTTP Request before the actual deleting of account HTTP call and adding the necessary attributes to be updated in the Body.

@CeeJ1 Do you mean to say that you configured two “Disable Account” HTTP operations - One to update the field and another one to disable the account ? If not, can you elaborate on the operations and procedure followed?

Yes, that’s correct. We have 2 Disable account one with Post http method to update the attribute/field and another one with Delete http method to disable the account.

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