Hey everyone,
Up until last week, I haven’t had an issue with transferring files from our Linux VAs to my local Windows machine. I can still transfer from our Prod VAs, just not our Sandbox VAs anymore. The current CCG version for the cluster these VAs are in and the VAs themselves are 971. Not sure if this is relevant but up until yesterday, the cluster somehow got the pinned flag and support helped us remove it. It was pinned to an older version, but the VAs still said they were on the newest version. Once it was removed, the cluster also then showed the latest version.
When I try to run the scp command from my local machine, I get this message:
It is mostly blurred for this post but when I look at the known_hosts file on line 5, I see this entry for the correct server and I see the correct ECDSA public key. I confirmed this is the correct ECDSA public key by remoting in and looking at the VA’s ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub file
If I remove this line and run the command again, it adds a new entry to the known_hosts file, but it seems to be adding the ssh-ed25519 key instead this time and fails authentication.
This ssh-ed25519 entry is the only one of this type in the known_hosts file. I can still access my Prod VAs fine and they have the ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 entry. Even if I just manually enter a new ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 entry using the public key from the VA, I am back to receiving the first error. I have also tried rebooting the VAs several times.
Is there some way to regenerate the keys or something? I tried a few ssh commands, but they are restricted to only the root user on the VAs.
Thank you,
- Zach