Unable to reset an authoritative source

Hi all,

I was trying to reset an authoritative source but it’s not possible via Visual Studio. Also checked the option to remove accounts via the following API, it also does not work. Anyone knows how to reset an authoritative source or how to remove all accounts in an authoritative source? Thanks in advance!

delete-accounts-async | SailPoint Developer Community

@sahincelik, Are you getting a particular error?


Make sure the Identity Profile Task isn’t running when you push the api call check the Queue

@TJ211 Run the below api call

https://mcloudhub.api.identitynow.com/beta/sources/soruce id

In the response it will give the cloudExternalId"

Copy that cloudexternal id in the below


If you want to skip the account https://mcloudhub.api.identitynow.com/cc/api/source/reset/15768?skip=accounts
If you want to skip the entitments : https://mcloudhub.api.identitynow.com/cc/api/source/reset/15768?skip=entitlements

Reset will delete the accounts and entelments and access profiles

This worked for me perfectly.

I would suggest to get this extension installed on your VS code. I have been using it for a while now works great saves time!


yes, this is the error I am receiving.


Also when I try to remove accounts with API in Postman, I receive the following error:

Screenshot 2024-07-24 092725
You can do it this way too!

No, that’s not the case. I knew there was no active task is running at that moment.

sounds like token issue use all scopes

I was thinking the same and I indeed created another PAT by selecting everything. It did not solve the problem. Still getting the same error.

I already use it, thanks!

Are you able to reset other sources (i.e. non-authoritative sources) through either method currently?
The API call does indeed look like a permission issue - if you are using the same PAT for the VSC plugin this could explain it. Make sure you have sp:scopes:all - and try with another non-authoritative source if possible.

First I just selected scope:all and it did not work then I selected everything listed here. It did not work too. And I am not able to reset other sources as well actually. But I can trigger account or entitlement aggregation through the ISC Plugin in Visual Studio.

I believe it’s not the authorization issues. If authoritative source is actively used in Identity profile we can’t delete or reset it. You can try deleting ID profile after taking backup and then try to reset source.

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ISC does not allow you to reset a source while some other critical process (mainly identity refresh, but I think account aggregation too) is running. What response are you getting when you try to call this API?


This is the error I am receiving.


How about response in Postman?

Error message you shared from VS Code extension does not say much, but it still seems like it’s failing for the same reason I mentioned earlier

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It was also failing when I try it via Postman yesterday. But after generating the new token I tried one more time in Postman and it is indeed working now. But, still it is failing in Visual Studio which is weird. Perhaps I can delete the app and install it from scratch. But, thanks all for the support!

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