Unable to read owners of Distribution Lists via Azure AD Connector in IIQ

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We are unable to read owners Attribute for DLs via Azure AD connector. When we run group aggregation, we get the owner back for other o365 groups but not for distribution groups. As per microsoft documentation, owners cannot be retrieved for DLs via graph APIs. Does IIQ connector use powershell to fetch this information then ? If yes, is it available in version 8.3p1 ? What configuration changes we need to make if this feature is available ? If its not available, how are other customers handling it ?

@nazampreetkaur call the api from rule while running group aggregation and get the owner. I believe we have rest api so you can use the same and get require output.
we have integrated azure with webservice and direct and able to do customization on aggregation rule

@mkumariaas thanks for the idea. It certainly sounds great. However, we wanna stay away from customizations like these as much as possible. So, I am trying to see if Sailpoint offers an out of box solution for this.