Unable to put Entitlements in an Access Profile (Webservices Connector)

I have created a Webservices connector and have succesfully aggregated entitlements from this source. But for some reason I am unable to use the entitlements. When I try to put them in an Access Profile I get an error message stating that I should contact the administrator.

I tried ‘resetting’ the entitlements by aggregating 0 entitlements and re-aggregating all of them after that, but that didn’t work.

Has anyone had this problem before and do they know a solution to this? Thanks in advance.

Can you enable developer tools (F12 in Chrome) and trace the API calls? That may give you some additional insight to the specific API being called and a more verbose error message directly from the API.

My assumption is that in the Access Profile you can select this source, see the entitlements, and add the entitlements but are getting an error upon save. If this isn’t the case, then more specific input regarding the steps to reproduce this would be helpful.

Additionally - Any non-standard characters in the source name or entitlements could be something for investigation.
I’m also assuming you haven’t hit the mix allowed limit (3000) of access profiles in your tenant.

Your assumption is right, whenever I try to add entitlements to an Access Profile I get an error message.

I have checked the developer tools and can see a 400.1.0 error (required data missing or empty) on a patch request.

Seeing the Headers and Payload would probably be helpful here to confirm the specific API being used (Header) and the specific value(s) sent (Payload).

I’m assuming the API is “/access-profiles” but unsure if it’s using V3 or Beta as well as if it’s doing a “Put” or “Patch”. Seeing the actual payload will likely shed some light on potential invalid characters or missing ID value.

Please share your account and group schema here. You have not marked the attribute as group type(entitlement type) in your account schema,
After you do this, you need to reset source and re-aggregate.

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Hi, you were right. The problem was that I didn’t have my entitlements correct in the account schema. Thank you for your help.

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