Unable to make API call from postman

Hello All,

I just started learning ISC & I watched a video that demonstrated how to make the first API call using Postman. Following the instructions, I configured everything in Postman by forking the IdentityNow V3 API Collections and the environment. I also updated the values for the tenant, clientId, and clientSecret variables. When I make an API call, I getting following error:


I am using Test Tenant to generate the Personal Access Tokens.


HI @vedeepak,

This error comes when your Tenant name is not correct, can you confirm the tenant name?


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Also check the API as to generate personal access token you need to use the endpoint /personal-access-tokens.

Hi @vedeepak , can you check your tenant name and domain? I think ay one of that that might be the cause for this problem.

I think the domain will be identitynow-demo, if it is the ambassador tenant.



Thanks @GOKUL_ANANTH_M . I have missed it. After adding “-demo” it started working.