I have a transformation where i am refereeing other transformation with one input variable i want use input argument in second transformation “validtransformation” i am pasting both transformation below
You can pass the input to the reference transform, and the actual value of the input attribute will be passed to the referenced transform. An example of reference transform with input can be used to calculate the timezone differences as explained in this link Reference Lookup Table transform from inside the LCS Transform - #4 by jade-townsend
Instead use the input within the reference transform to be dynamic attribute rather than passing to the reference transform
This is a static transform and value string is “$familyName”. There is no way this transform will know what is the value of $familyName. What you are trying to do will work only when the referred transform can receive an input (e.g. lower)
Hi @aashish_singhal1 your query looks oddly confusing to me. Maybe you can mention the end goal here or what are you trying to achieve and some suggestions can be brought up.
I have 3 date fields start date , end date , joiner date . I have to right 3 transformation for format these 3 values. i would to create one transformation where i send input value at time of reference call
“id”: “8b6e7e4f-8f98-4acf-bcde-3ccf1a3fc705”,
“name”: “Get HR App User End Date”,
“type”: “dateFormat”,
“attributes”: {
“input”: {
“type”: “accountAttribute”,
“attributes”: {
“sourceName”: “HR App”,
“attributeName”: “end date”
“inputFormat”: “dd-MM-yyyy”,
“outputFormat”: “ISO8601”
“internal”: false