Two workflows using the same triggers, when we enable both which one it will take in consideration

Hi can you help me in understanding if i have two workflows which are using same trigger for example Access Request Approve.
One workflow is design like if access request approve create service now ticket and send mail to requestor that your request is completed.
and another workflow is design like if access request approve just send mail to requestor that your access request completed, and we will customize that email as per own requirement.

So here question if we enable both workflow which workflow it will take in consideration…?


If I understand it correctly you say two workflows are configured with same trigger and you want to know which one will be considered. In this case I think both the workflows will be triggered. As workflows act as individual threads and not interdependent on each other, both will be triggered once access request approved.


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Yes as Abhinov mentioned both the workflows will trigger as long as the condition in your trigger matches. If you want to create serivcenow ticket lets say for App A only then you can filter that out in your trigger and in your second workflow if you have a use case to trigger like App B request is approved then send email then you can apply that source in the filter.

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