Trying to skip Identity Creation during aggregation

Hi all,

I’m trying to skip the creation of an identity Cube during aggregation using the Customization rule on Workday. I am returning null from the rule if I encounter a specific criteria


But when aggregating the account, I’m getting the below error:

Any help is appreciated

Thanks in advance

@rishavghoshacc . please try the below code and see.

String fileNumber="FILENUMBER";
String empId = object.getAttribute(fileNumber);
  if (Util.isNotNullOrEmpty(empId)){
    if (empId.equalsIgnoreCase("xxxxxx")){
      return null;
return object;

@logesh_venki The result is the same. The task is successful but then we get the same message

Hi @rishavghoshacc ,
Please add the loggers and evaluate the resource object.

if(object != null) {
//if you are getting the resouce object, you can further add your condition
return object;
return null;