Trying to set isRequired attribute in web service connector provisioning policy not working

I’m trying to set “isRequired” to true for attributes in the webservice connector CREATE provisioning policy.
Unfortunately, through the API or Visual Studio, it just ignores it, and keeps it false.

            "name": "first_name",
            "transform": {
                "type": "identityAttribute",
                "attributes": {
                    "name": "firstname"
            "attributes": {},
            "isRequired": true,
            "type": "string",
            "isMultiValued": false

I saw a post from last year with the same question but no answers.

What can I do?

Thank you.

Hi @veroniqueb

I replicated your scenario, yes it is ignoring isRequired as true

We haven’t come across this requirement.

You can submit an idea for this.


Yes, I actually came across this one, which is similar in a way: Do you think it is worth posting another one, more specific?
I came across the same issue in Salesforce, actually.
It is a shame as it means we don’t have visibility when automatic provisioning is happening if a required attribute is missing, unless the target system refuses the request.

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I guess, yes. That is what we can do for now rite.

Let’s say even if you can set isRequired as true, if one required attribute is missing, then provisioning request might not be submitted, request will be open.

Or request can go to cancelled status, it is better instead of submitting the request to Target source and gets failed.

If the request is in open status, then it needs to be a workItem of type form, so that some admin or end user can enter the data like in IdentityIQ Provisioning form. But it might take time to implement kind of similar features in IdentityNow.

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