Trigger a workflow when changes to Mail attribute in a source

Hi All,

I am looking to trigger the workflow when the mail attribute is changed on the AD

So sourcename=“AD” and $.changes[?(@.attribute == “mail”)]
My trigger here is incorrect. JSONPath - $[?( == “Active Directory”)].changes[?(@.attribute == “mail”)]

Hi @KirtiSikarwar ,
I have created a similar workflow were I have used identity attribute change trigger.I have created a identity attribute called AD mail and mapped it to mail attribute in AD.So when the AD attribute is changed it will in turn change the identity attribute thereby it triggers the work flow,Try this way!!



Hi @KirtiSikarwar,

Did you mean if mail change outside of ISC ?

It make sense to trigge identityAttribute mail change.

Hi @KirtiSikarwar,

Not sure if you can handle that in a single filter. Take a look at the JSON here.

You can try using the below filter in the trigger :

$[?($ == 'Active Directory')]

Then try a verify data type operator (If exists) with something like below in the filter ;

$.trigger.singleValueAttributeChanges[?( == 'mail')]

or the other way around.

@KirtiSikarwar Changing it on AD will not change it on ISC?

Makes more sense like @naveenkarthikkrk said. Create a Identity Attribute Change.

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