3 transforms:
- if the managerID is only having 4 digit
first to append 000000 as prefix - it should be a 6 digit number & we are getting 5 or 4 digits manager id
for example : HR is sending 4 digit manager id- 4321 and sailpoint looks for 004321
need conversion then pulling up the right name.
solution is leftpad will work
- pulling up manager email
"attributes": {
"name": "Cloud Services Deployment Utility",
"operation": "getReferenceIdentityAttribute",
"uid": "manager",
"attributeName": "email"
"type": "rule",
"name": "Get manager name from email"
- based on if the identity manager level is 13 or 14 then it should lookup all the way up and bring the level 13/14 manager name/email (vpdepthead). need to add level logic
"name": "vpdepthead transform",
"type": "firstValid",
"attributes": {
"ignoreErrors": "true",
"values": [
"type": "static",
"attributes": {
"igoreErrors": "true",
"vpdepthead": "$identity.getManager().getStringAttribute('email')",
"value": "$vpdepthead"
"internal": false
we tried this transform but it is not pulling up any details
any inputs would help