Tracking what files were imported using sp.init-custom.xml in SailPoint Advanced Analytics?

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Version 8.2

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Hello Team,

Upon importing files using sp.init-custom.xml, when we review the Audit in Advanced Analytics, it displays the Deployment Target as sp.init-custom.xml instead of providing a list of the files that were imported using this file.
(as in attached screenshot)

How can we accurately track the files that were imported using the sp.init-custom.xml file?
Is there anyway to easily track the imports using this file ?

The current display in Advanced Analytics mirrors the format depicted in the image below.

@Shwetha09 Try by importing from IIQ Console. you will get logs printed in console.

Here is doc of all command,

8.2 IdentityIQ Console Guide - Compass (

Hi Ranjan,

After importing using IQ Console, logs will be printed on Console.
But I want details of who imported files details to be displayed on SailPoint > Advanced analytics > Audit.
So that we can visit here and validate what all changes were implemented in previous month.
Also, I am searching a way where these details can be easily monitored and recorded.

Please let me know your thoughts.

I can give you some starting points.

Open your build.config.xml. You must be seeing below entries.

<!-- import custom delta iiq artifacts) -->
    <target name="import-custom-delta" depends="-security.Init">
        <echo>Importing custom objects with: console iiqBeans -c "import
        <java classname="sailpoint.launch.Launcher" fork="true" failonerror="true"
            <arg line="console iiqBeans -c &quot;import '${build.iiqBinaryExtractDelta}/WEB-INF/config/sp.init-custom.xml'&quot;"/>
                <pathelement path="${build.iiqBinaryExtract}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
                <pathelement location="${build.iiqBinaryExtract}/WEB-INF/lib/identityiq.jar"/>

Here, sailpoint.launch.Launcher is being used to run the command. You can find the details of the class in Identityiq.jar file. You can make necessary changes in the class or create new class with you custom logic to send notification.
As it’s running inside SailpointContext, so all the objects can be available for your use (e.g. EmailOptions, EmailTemplates etc).

  1. read the xml file which sent as an argument to the method in the launch class.

  2. Iterate the xml to get the file names.

  3. Preapre a csv.

  4. Use EmailTemplate and EmailOptions to attach the csv and send to the users.

Hope this helps.

It’s a bit tricky to audit import directly as there are no EventListeners anywhere in this process. I can see 2 options how you can achieve this

I believe there is third option - to write your own importer with audit events registered but this might be much bigger task.


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