I am currently facing a new issue for a provisioning rule that seems to be failing only in production, while it worked within development.
[“sailpoint.tools.GeneralException: BeanShell script error: Sourced file: inline evaluation of: import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AccountRequest; import sailpoi . . . \ : Error in method invocation: Method toUpperCase() not found in class\u0027java.util.ArrayList : at Line: 19 : in file: inline evaluation of: `` import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AccountRequest; import sailpoi . . . : .toUpperCase ( ) \n BSF info: iSeries Before Provisioning at line: 0 column: columnNo”]
– I’m confused because I am not calling the toUpperCase() method in the java itself. There is a transform on one of the attributes that does an upper; but not sure how that would be reflected here. I’ve pasted the working code from dev that does not work as is in production.
import java.sql.Types;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.Decimal;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AccountRequest;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AttributeRequest;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningResult;
import sailpoint.tools.Util;
// Get a string value from an attribute request object
public String getAttributeRequestValue(AccountRequest acctReq, String attribute) {
String val = null;
if ( acctReq != null ) {
AttributeRequest attrReq = acctReq.getAttributeRequest(attribute);
if ( attrReq != null && attrReq.getValue() instanceof String ) {
val = attrReq.getValue();
log.debug(attribute + \" = \" + val);
return val;
// Start of iSeries Provision rule
log.debug(\"Enter iSeries JDBC Provisioning\");
ProvisioningResult result = new ProvisioningResult();
CallableStatement cStatement = null;
String roleiSeries = \"ROLEALLUSERS\";
String useriSeries = \"SERVICEUSER\";
// Check if plan is null
if ( plan instanceof ProvisioningPlan ) {
// Get all account requests from plan
List accounts = plan.getAccountRequests();
// If the plan contains one or more account requests, we'll iterate through them
if ((accounts != null) && (accounts.size() > 0)) {
for (AccountRequest account : accounts) {
String nativeId = (String) account.getNativeIdentity();
log.debug(\"native identity: \" + nativeId);
log.debug(\"application: \" + account.getApplicationName());
log.debug(\"operation: \" + account.getOperation());
try {
// CREATE procedure
if ( AccountRequest.Operation.Create == account.getOperation() ) {
log.debug(\"Entering Create Operation\");
cStatement = connection.prepareCall(\"CALL OBJECT.EX850SP (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)\");
// Add attributes from account create profile
log.debug(\"setting value for index 1\");
cStatement.setString(1, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUSTS\")); //employment status code
log.debug(\"setting value for index 2\");
cStatement.setString(2, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUETYP\")); //employee type code
log.debug(\"setting value for index 3\");
cStatement.setString(3, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CULOCN\")); //location code
log.debug(\"setting value for index 4\");
cStatement.setString(4, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUEMAD\")); //work email
log.debug(\"setting value for index 5\");
cStatement.setString(5, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUEMPL\")); //company code
log.debug(\"setting value for index 6\");
cStatement.setString(6, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUFNAM\")); //legal first name
log.debug(\"setting value for index 7\");
cStatement.setString(7, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CULNAM\")); //last name
log.debug(\"setting value for index 8\");
cStatement.setString(8, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUSPRV\")); //manager name
log.debug(\"setting value for index 9\");
cStatement.setString(9, nativeId); //search sam upper (CUNETU)
log.debug(\"setting value for index 10\");
cStatement.setString(10, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUDPDS\")); //department description
log.debug(\"setting value for index 11\");
cStatement.setString(11, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUJBDS\")); //job title
log.debug(\"setting value for index 12\");
cStatement.setString(12, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CULEAD\")); //employee management level
log.debug(\"setting value for index 13\");
cStatement.setString(13, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUODCD\")); //org level 1 code
log.debug(\"setting value for index 14\");
cStatement.setString(14, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUEXDT\")); //iSeries term date
log.debug(\"setting value for index 15\");
cStatement.setString(15, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CULUDT\")); //iSeries update date
log.debug(\"setting value for index 16\");
cStatement.setString(16, useriSeries); //service user dirxml
log.debug(\"setting value for index 17\");
cStatement.setString(17, (String) plan.getNativeIdentity()); //employee id
log.debug(\"setting value for index 18\");
cStatement.setString(18, roleiSeries); //role
log.debug(\"EX850SP full statement: \" + cStatement.toString());
// Successful Create, so mark result as COMMITTED
log.debug(\"Create Account Execution successfully completed\");
log.debug(\"Exiting Create Operation\");
} else if ( AccountRequest.Operation.Modify == account.getOperation() ) {
log.debug(\"Entering Modify Operation\");
cStatement = connection.prepareCall(\"CALL OBJECT.EX850SP (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)\");
// Add attributes from account modify profile
log.debug(\"setting value for index 1\");
cStatement.setString(1, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUSTS\")); //employment status code
log.debug(\"setting value for index 2\");
cStatement.setString(2, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUETYP\")); //employee type code
log.debug(\"setting value for index 3\");
cStatement.setString(3, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CULOCN\")); //location code
log.debug(\"setting value for index 4\");
cStatement.setString(4, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUEMAD\")); //work email
log.debug(\"setting value for index 5\");
cStatement.setString(5, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUEMPL\")); //company code
log.debug(\"setting value for index 6\");
cStatement.setString(6, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUFNAM\")); //legal first name
log.debug(\"setting value for index 7\");
cStatement.setString(7, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CULNAM\")); //last name
log.debug(\"setting value for index 8\");
cStatement.setString(8, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUSPRV\")); //manager name
log.debug(\"setting value for index 9\");
cStatement.setString(9, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUNETU\")); // search sam upper (CUNETU)
log.debug(\"setting value for index 10\");
cStatement.setString(10, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUDPDS\")); //department description
log.debug(\"setting value for index 11\");
cStatement.setString(11, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUJBDS\")); //job title
log.debug(\"setting value for index 12\");
cStatement.setString(12, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CULEAD\")); //employee management level
log.debug(\"setting value for index 13\");
cStatement.setString(13, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUODCD\")); //org level 1 code
log.debug(\"setting value for index 14\");
cStatement.setString(14, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUEXDT\")); //iSeries term date
log.debug(\"setting value for index 15\");
cStatement.setString(15, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CULUDT\")); //iSeries update date
log.debug(\"setting value for index 16\");
cStatement.setString(16, useriSeries); //service user
log.debug(\"setting value for index 17\");
cStatement.setString(17, (String) plan.getNativeIdentity()); //employee id
log.debug(\"setting value for index 18\");
cStatement.setString(18, getAttributeRequestValue(account, \"CUROLE\")); //iSeries role
log.debug(\"EX850SP full statement: \" + cStatement.toString());
// Successful Modify, so mark result as COMMITTED
log.debug(\"Modify Account Execution successfully completed\");
log.debug(\"Exiting Modify Operation\");
} catch(Exception e) {
log.debug(\"iSeries JDBC Provisioning SQL Error: \" + e.getMessage());
} finally {
if(cStatement != null) {
log.debug(\"Exit iSeries JDBC Provisioning\");
return result;