Token Missing in the HTTP Request

I am facing an issue with the HTTP Request action in the workflow, The OAuth Client credentials flow is not able to generate the token and is failing to pass in the request.

When I check it on the webhook the token is missing

I wanted to avoid using custom auth as we must make multiple calls in the flow. I have verified the client in the Postman also the same client is being used in the Source in my Pingone Connector.

Any help would be appreciated.

How is the token returned through postman?
What type of authentication you’re using?

I am using client credentials flows,The token endpoint returns a bearer token that is then passed to the request URL.

In the IDN workflow, we are using the HTTP Request action, and the API request is missing the token. Seems like the HTTP request action is not able to generate the token even though we are passing the right credentials.

This how requests look like in Postman

API Request


Token Request


thx for sharing that. If I understood correctly you need to use a basic authentication to retrieve the token right?

Have you tried using the basic auth?

it’s not basic auth, we are passing the client credentials in the headers to get the token. and then that token is being used to access the API. This is a complete client credential flow.

Asked because of this

So instead of selecting the Oauth one selec basic and see if it works.

The basic auth works to get the token then I need to add additional HTTP action to make the request call. Which is what I am trying to avoid.

Yeah , i see what you mean.
But from a workflow perspective there’s no way at the moment for basic to have booth in the same step. I think this is a good thing to post in the ideas.

I think the order would be token request and endpoint

It works for the sailpoint API, Sailpoint API also passes the client credentials as basic auth headers. I have a different workflow in which I am using API calls to IdentityNow it works.

You trying to do everything in the same request right? get the token and then post for the endpoint in a workflow correct?

Yes, the HTTP Connector is designed to do that.

Hi @Yoginder00,

Could you confirm which type of credentials you used in your “HTTP Request” action?

Was it a Personal Access Token (PAT) or did you utilize OAuth Client credentials from OAuth Clients | SailPoint Developer Community ?

I believe it’s PAT. Could you try using OAuth Client credentials instead by replacing your PAT credential ?

I’ve encountered a similar error with the HTTP request recently when I migrated my workflow to a different environment.

The Client_credentials I am using for sailpoint are working as expected. The issue I am facing is with the Pingone Client Credentials flow. The token is not getting passed to http request.

The other issue is if I use custom auth, In which I am using 2 HTTP request one to generate the token and other to pass on the token. If I try to update the bearer request in the Request Header value using {{hTTPRequest1.body.access_token}} its stuck on loading and new gets saved.

Use define Variable to grab the token and then use it on the request.