To update role through API


I need to add an access profile to a list of enterprise roles in Inow. Is there any option to pass the Access profile name , list of roles into API post call and to update enterprise roles instead of opening 500+ roles and updating the AP in each role.

Hi @chandramohan2706 ,

To make sure I’m understanding your question correctly, you have a single Access Profile that you want to add to a large number of Roles, is that right?

Thanks, Rich

@Rich_Miller yes Correct.

There isn’t an API to do that specifically. The only way at this time would be to build a list of Role ID’s, then iterate through that list and perform a patch call to each Role using this API:

For example, if you are using PostMan, you could use the “Runner” functionality discussed here:

I’m sure there are other methods, such as using PowerShell to loop over a csv file for the Role ID’s and then crafting a curl command to make the patch calls.

Thanks, Rich