Hello @Arpitha1 ,
No, I donât have the get API for single user.
This is the body while create api.
//job number mandatory
"JobNumber" : "3344556677",
//firstname mandatory
"FirstName": "Md",
//lastname mandatory
"LastName" : "Areeb",
//usernamr mandatory
"UserName" : "[email protected]",
//isdeletd mandatory should be false to keep, true to delete
"IsDeleted" : true,
// isactive mandatory should be true if user account is active, else false
"IsActive" :false,
// phone number optional
"PhoneNumber" : "1234567890",
//job title optional
"JobTitle" : "IAM Engineer",
//departmentCodeToDelete optional
//departmentUser optional
//departmentCode optional
"DepartmentCode" :"12345" ,
//departmentNameArabic mandatory
//"DepartmentNameArabic" : "IT Dept77",
//departmentNameEnglish mandatory
"DepartmentNameEngiish" : "IT Dept77",
//isdepartmentManager mandatory
"IsDepartmentManager": true,
//isDeleted mandatory
"IsDeleted" : false
//parentDepartmentCode optional
//parentIsDeleted optional
//ParentDepartmentNameArabix optional
//ParentDepartmentNameEnglish optional
what I am passing in sailpoint is
"JobNumber" : "$plan.Job Number$",
"FirstName": "$plan.Firstname$",
"LastName" : "$plan.Lastname$",
"UserName" : "$plan.nativeIdentity$",
"IsDeleted" : false,
"IsActive" :true,
"PhoneNumber" : "$plan.PhoneNumber$",
"JobTitle" : "$plan.JobTitle$",
"DepartmentCode" :"$plan.Department Code$" ,
"DepartmentNameEnglish" : "$plan.Department Name$",
"IsDepartmentManager": true,
"IsDeleted" : false
what is identity attribute? is it âemployeenumberâ
I didnât get the about identity attibute.
can you please guide me
the employee id is auto generate at end application side.
I am just pushing the username as email in the end application.
Md Riyazuddin