Tenant IP queries

Great to see we can now access tenant ip addresses as per IP Address Allow List | SailPoint Developer Community

Can someone provide a little more info around the following please:

  • Do all the returned IP addresses need to be listed for inbound connectivity via workflows
  • When the page says β€œ These IP Address ranges can change at any time. The implementation will need to account for this by regularily updating the allow list.”, does it mean that all returned IPs will change all at once or will it be just one or a few at a time?


Yes. We aren’t able to distinguish which IP address is being used by our services through this method. You will need to allow all IP addresses listed in the allow list in order to allow SailPoint cloud services, like SaaS connectors and Workflows, to communicate with your internal servers.

It is best to plan for a scenario where all of the IP addresses will change at once. This may or may not actually happen in practice, but we cannot guarantee it.

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