I am attempting to stop email notifications for certain access profiles. I have implemented the following condition in the email template subject, but it is not functioning as intended:
#if(${accessProfileName}.startsWith(‘ABC’))#stop#end Your Access Request for ${accessProfileName} has Been #if($approved)Approved#{else}Denied#end
Additionally, the .contains operation is also not yielding the desired results. However, using the equality operation works correctly, as shown here: #if(${accessProfileName} == “ABC - Access profile full name”))#stop#end
I would appreciate any suggestions you may have to enable the use of the .startsWith() operation in the email subject.
Even if startsWith is working this will send email as you are using #end after #stop. So it again sends email using subject after #end.
Can you try this.
#if(${accessProfileName}.startsWith(‘ABC’))#stop#elseif Your Access Request for ${accessProfileName} has Been #if($approved)Approved#{else}Denied#end#end
Could you please provide guidance on where to utilize the #stop function and how to specify the email subject for others access profiles (not starting with ABC)?
#set($accessProfileName=${accessProfileName})#if($accessProfileName.startsWith(‘ABC’))#stop Your Access Request for $accessProfileName has Been #if($approved)Approved#{else}Denied#end**