SQL Loader - Insertion of new lines into csv file while provisioning (Account Update)


I’m using SQL Loader connector source for the accounts to provision to a csv file. Whenever an update operation is triggered, the changes in csv file are reflected correctly with respect to the JDBC Provision rule (Eg- When disabling an account in IDN, the account status in csv file is set to “Inactive”). But, a number of unnecessary new lines are randomly inserted into the file though I have not included any carriage return in any part of the rule. If anyone has experienced the same and resolved this, your response might definitely be a help!


I’ve seen it before and have not found a resolution :slight_smile: . it seems like some weird issue with the JDBC Text Driver.

18. In my text file, the first and second records have such a huge separation.
It’s resulted by deleted row, since there’s not a standard for empty text row. If you don’t delete/update your row frequently, there won’t be too much empty row.


blank rows result from account updates. updated data appears at the end of the file. you can add a sql instruction in the rule after the updates have taken place.

pack table table name


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