Source Time zone

We have a JDBC source with an account aggregation query with the filter “CURRENT_TIMESTAMP”.

What is the timestamp it will take? Is that based on the VA time zone or the tenant time zone?


It should be based on the VA cluster time zone.

Thanks for the quick response. How can I check our VA cluster time zone?

I have four VAs in our VA cluster. 2 are located at Central Time, and 2 are located at Eastern Time.

There is a gmtOffset which will tell you the time zone.


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Does the configuration change based on daylight savings?

From the above link.

Since this is just gmtOffset, I would assume it would maintain and that daylight savings would not be a factor, but I have not see if it changes or not.

There is a current bug related to the source timezones where the setting is not shown in the UI to update. Source timezones are set based on the cluster timezone, which was inadvertently removed during the change from the old VA UI to the new VA UI.

Here is a workaround to get the current setting, and update the setting:

Run GET /cc/api/cluster/list to get the cluster ID, and view the current gmtOffset.

Then, use this API call to update it:

POST /cc/api/cluster/update

    "gmtOffset": "-6",
    "debug": false

This is a gmtOffset, so it does not update with daylight savings time. Currently, -5 is Central Time and -6 is Mountain Time during daylight savings.

This feature should return to the product UI in the very near future, but this should help to get you moving now.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you!

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