Source reset is not removing the entitlements

Hey @asangam1

So here’s my take on what’s going on with the Account Reset API…

First and foremost, I’m assuming you’re trying to Reset the Source following the instructions here: Managing Sources Overview - SailPoint Identity Services

In those instructions, it tells you to run the following API:
POST https://<tenant><cloudSourceId>

(By the way, even if you are doing this in VSCODE, it’s still running the same API)

When you run that API, it’s supposed to delete all Accounts and Entitlements on a Source.

However, Sailpoint began deprecation of these particular APIs (which you can read about in this thread: POST /api/source/reset/) and for a while, this API call DIDN’T WORK.

So you’d have to follow the directions from the aforementioned thread if you wanted to remove Accounts and Entitlements on a Source.

However, now it seems this API call is working again…
POST https://<tenant><cloudSourceId>

Although it seems to be in a limited fashion… Because Account are deleted, but Entitlements are not.

I think that may be something on the Sailpoint side causing that.

The short of it though, is that, as of this post, you can use the cc/api/source/reset to reset Accounts on the source, but NOT entitlements. If you need to reset entitlements, you will have to follow one of the set of instructions here to do so: POST /api/source/reset/

Good luck! Let me know if this solves it for you or if you have any questions. Welcome to the Sailpoint Dev Community!!! :slight_smile:

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