Source ID No Longer the Same Format?


I’ve been using the File Upload Utility and everything was going dandy until now. I understood that to begin the cloud aggregation process for a particular source, I need the source ID, which was a 5-character-long string of numbers uniquely identifying each source, e.g. “12345”.

I tried to get the source ID for the same source, and other sources recently, and it seems the source ID has been replaced with a 20-something-character-long string that doesn’t function as the source ID (I tried to upload a file with the utility using this new string, it doesn’t recognize it). Where can I find the original source ID again?


The source ID used to be in this format: https://{tenant}

now, what I see is:

In the latter example, that long string of characters does not seem to function as the source ID. I do not know where to find the source ID anymore. Can someone help me with this?

@colin_mckibben would you be able to help me with this?

As we progress with our decomissioning of private APIs, our UI will gradually stop using the private APIs in favor of the public v3 equivalents. The sources UI looks like it has made the switch to the v3 sources endpoint when listing sources, which is why you now see the long ID. If you still need the short ID, which is used by the private APIs, then you must get it from the /cc API for listing sources: /cc/api/source/list. Eventually, the file upload utility will stop using private APIs once all of the functionality needed by the utility is in v3.

Can you update the documentation? Specifically, this part:

File Naming Convention

The file upload utility analyzes at the files or directories you specify, and then looks for the application’s source ID in the file name of the file. For example, for a file named “14586 - hr_users.csv” would determine that this file belongs to source ID 14586. A source ID is required for aggregation.

If it doesn’t find the source ID in the file name, then it will skip the file and move on. Everything will be logged as output, so you are able to determine the file which are processed or not. You can find out your corresponding source IDs by looking at the ID in the URL of the application source in the IdentityNow user interface.


Hi @colin_mckibben,

We are using same source Id to run unoptimized aggregation. Since this source Id has changed how to run the unoptimized aggregation.

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What would the full url be?

The full url is your tenant API endpoint. In my case, my tenant name is devrel, so it would be GET

If you are using the cc API to run the unoptimized aggregation, then you just continue using that endpoint with the short source ID until the v3 equivalent becomes available.

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