Source Account Provisioning Tasks Email Notifications

Hi @gmilunich, Thanks again for your additional feedback and helping us improve our documentation. We have updated the documentation to make it clear that removing the PROVISIONING flag on a direct source will cause it to create provisioning tasks for accounts to be manually created, and that an email notification will be sent to the source owner.

Having checked with our product team I can also confirm that tasks and emails will only be sent to the source owner, and will not be sent to the governance group.


Ok, this seems like a place where the product can be improved, because in many cases the Source Owner is the user on the IAM Team who’s job it is to maintain the Source configuration in ISC, and there is a team of individuals that manage the source itself in regards to the manual provisioning/Deprovisioning/management.

Do you know if the emails will be sent to the Source Sub-admins as well?