Hi everyone!
We are planning to integrate smartsheet application using Smartsheet(OOTB) connector, when we tried to create new user its failing with the below error “[ConnectorError] User not found. (requestId: 7a26333fd6774d18acgac44ac57926f6)”, Any idea on this issue? Has anyone integrated smartsheet with SailPoint IDN?
Thanks in advance!
Hi @prathyusha730, few things to check
- Are you able to do the test connection successfully?
- Check if the user you are trying to create already has account in Smartsheet?
- In the create account section, do you have the mapping defined correctly?
Hi Theja,
Yes tes connection is working fine. User not existed, Create account mapping also configured passing the below attributes in create operation
Add groups: xxxxxxxx
Add email: xxxxxx
Add firstName: xxxxx
Add lastName: xxxxx
Add admin: false
Add groupAdmin: true
Add licensedSheetCreator: true
Add resourceViewer: true
I believe it’s a Saas application, we don’t have much visibility on the logs. Maybe you can check with SailPoint support (not sure if anyone has other solution) for logs by enabling debug logging

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