Single Account Aggregation after account creation and adding entitlements in web service connector source

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I’m building a web service connector that requires aggregating accounts after provisioning and deprovisioning tasks. My current provisioning process involves:

  1. Creating a new account (Create Account)
  2. Assigning entitlements to the account (Add Entitlement)

However, I’m unsure about how to perform a single account aggregation after these steps. Similarly, when a user is deprovisioned, I need to aggregate their account once they’re disabled from the source system.

Can you provide guidance on how to implement single account aggregation after provisioning and deprovisioning, ensuring that accounts are accurately aggregated in the source system?

First step is to set up HTTP Operation with Operation Type = “Get Object”

This is the single account aggregation HTTP Operation for web service connector

Once that works successfully, go to Additional Settings, then tick the checkbox for ‘Get Object Required for PTA’

Thanks Ross for replying.

What is the API call we need to add in the Get Object Http operation?

That depends where your web service is connecting to and what it supports :slight_smile:

say it is some SCIM endpoint and your aggregate accounts is GET /users

Single aggregation may be something like GET /users/

If the endpoint you are connecting to does not support getting a single user, you may need to make it exactly the same as the account aggregation, then attach to it a Before Operation Rule, where you find the user you are looking for and return just that one user.

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