When testing workflows for various scenarios like joiners, movers, or leavers, we often encounter complexities. One major hurdle is creating realistic test scenarios due to data dependencies on other systems.
To tackle this challenge, here is a sample rule/beanshell that can trigger any workflow. The best part? You can pass workflow arguments as parameters in the rule and trigger it using a request definition. This streamlined approach makes testing more efficient and effective.
String caseName = "Testing for <insert workflow name here> "
long launchTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000;
caseName = caseName + " (" + launchTime + ")";
//Arguments to create reques defintion
Attributes requestArgs = new Attributes();
requestArgs.put(StandardWorkflowHandler.ARG_REQUEST_DEFINITION, sailpoint.request.WorkflowRequestExecutor.DEFINITION_NAME);
requestArgs.put(sailpoint.workflow.StandardWorkflowHandler.ARG_WORKFLOW, workflowName);
requestArgs.put(sailpoint.workflow.StandardWorkflowHandler.ARG_REQUEST_NAME, caseName);
requestArgs.put( "requestName", caseName );
// arguments to pass to the workflow
Attributes wfArgs = new Attributes();
wfArgs.put("workflow", workflowName);
wfArgs.put("example", "example");
wfArgs.put("identityName", "Abhishek Chowdhury");
Request request = new Request();
RequestDefinition requestDef = context.getObjectByName(RequestDefinition.class, "Workflow Request");
request.setEventDate( new Date( launchTime ) );
request.setAttributes( requestDef, requestArgs );